
Disaster Management Cell

South District, being a hilly district is mostly affected by the natural disasters of land slide, flash flood, high speed wind, drought, forest fire and hail storm. Further, it lies under seismic zone IV which is known as a very high risk zone. The District Disaster Management Committee has been formed under the Chairmanship of District Collector to evaluate the Disaster Preparedness for different type of Calamities at different times over a year that may occur. The Committee is the Pioneer Committee in the District to take stock of the situation, monitor routine preparedness, suggests improving response mechanism and develops a document for disaster management in the District.


At the outset of the Planning it can be referred to the preface given by District Collector that District Disaster Management Plan is inevitable. The only strong administrative units linkup between bottom & the top. There is no doubt about its formulation, vow for preparedness and commitment for its positive implementation at the hour of crisis. The plan is viable because it envisages the following factors critically from a practical point of view.

  • Risk assessment & Vulnerability analysis.
  • Establishing culture of quick and effective response.
  • Maintaining cohesiveness & uniformity in the formulation of a strategy taking a wide range of heterogeneous factors posed by a Disaster.


An effective and realistic District Disaster Management Plan with full proof communication, authentic and accurate data base, documented and rehearsed to be activated in the shortest possible time with minimum simple orders and procedures ensuring active participation both by Government ,Community and Volunteers at all levels making optimum utilisation of men, material and available resources with no gaps or no over laps to prevent loss to lives and minimise loss to property ensuring fastest approach for rescue, rehabilitation & to avert further misereres of the calamity stricken people. There is a saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed. The DDMP like a true friend will obviously guide the entire machinery engaged for relief operation and input courage among the community to face the eventuality boldly.

Disasters are a combined result of hazards and vulnerabilities. They occur when the adjustment capacity of the affected communities and individuals exceeds their ability to cope with a crisis. It is an extreme state of everyday life in which the continuity of community structures disrupts temporarily but trailing behind it a long-term infrastructure, economic development to maintain normalcy for years together.

Types of Disasters:

(Experienced in the District)

Common Natural Disasters Man Made disasters
Earthquake Fire – House /Forest
High Speed wind Communal riot
Flash Flood Accident – Road
Landslide Epidemics
Hailstorm /whirl wind


Optimum strategy is to be maintained by framing a District Disaster Management Plan to minimize loss of life and property. Officials from District Administration, Public, NGOs, CBOs, and Interest groups are monitored to stand in interaction with a view to play a major role in Disaster Mitigation. Broadly it has been divided into three major strategies: –


PRE DISASTER i.e. Preparedness in “No – Disaster situation”

  1. Formation of District Disaster Management Committee.
  2. Formulation of District Disaster Management Plan for the current year.
  3. Hazard Analysis & Resource Inventory.
  4. Allocation of responsibilities to the individuals/Groups/Institutions/ Organizations/Voluntaries.
  5. Broadly defining the responsibilities and operational Functions.
  6. IEC Programme.
  7. Training and capacity building
  8. Logistic arrangement-Safe shelters (immediate/permanent), Food items like Rice, Chura & Biscuit, Drinking water, Medical facilities, Clothing, Other essential commodities, Communication network like wireless system/VHF, HAM-Radio, V-Sat, light Vehicle, Heavy vehicle, Fire Brigades Bull Dozers etc.
  9. Preparation of Daily Situation Report.


  1. Functioning of District Control Room [DCR] & other Sub-Divisional/GP /Line Departmental Control Rooms.
  2. Dissemination of Warning/Information.
  3. Coordination meeting with officials at District Control Room in each 12 hours interval to monitor the situation.
  4. Alerting CDMO/Line Department /Field Official to remain in readiness to gear up into action immediately after abetment of crisis.
  5. Immediate freezing of reasonable POL stock with different Petrol Pumps.
  6. Rescue operation/ Evacuation by teams (already identified) providing infrastructural facility and movement to rescue centres.
  7. Management of Rescue shelters.
  8. Monitoring Disaster Management by ensuring a line of Control through Police & Paramilitary forces, Fire services, Civilians, NGOs and Essential Service Departments by District Collector.
  9. Daily stock of the situation by District Magistrate and Addl.District Magistrate.
  10. Administration of Relief.
  11. Preparation of Daily Situation Report.


  1. Assessment & enumeration of damage.
  2. Distribution of Relief / Emergent Reliefs.
  3. Monitoring Relief Operation organized by outside agencies /UN Agencies/Red Cross/ NGOs / PSUs / other states etc through District Administration.
  4. Restoration of Communication – Roads & Bridges
  5. Restoration of Electronic communication system.
  6. Immediate arrangement of free kitchen in the cutoff/shelter camps and inaccessible areas.
  7. Ensuring transportation of Relief Materials to affected areas.
  8. Ensuring safeguarding of belongings of the evacuees.
  9. Maintenance of Law & Order.
  10. Ensuring safe availability of Drinking water.
  11. Provision of Medical facilities and Minimum sanitation.
  12. Removal of debris and disposal of carcasses.
  13. Helping the evacuees to return to their homes.
  14. Special care to Children, Lactating Mothers, Old & infirm.
  15. Meeting Officers of both Districts level and Field level in every 24 hours to take stock of the situation.
  16. Collection of Information by a core group of DAC headed by DM/ SDMs and submission of daily situation report to Govt.
  17. 17. Documentation of the entire event – Black & white/Audio & Video.
  18. 18. Check Memo.
E Loss of crop, infrastructure, human and bovine life, livelihood system, houses, Pvt. Public property etc Communication network – Whole of the District
A   Road network of the effected block.
R   Telephone connections.
H   Private & Public Infrastructures –
Q   Kutcha Houses, Semi Kutcha Houses.
A   Irrigation Sources –
K   Private LI- Points, Govt. LI-Points. Electrical Installations.
    Drinking Water sources –  
    Stream, pond, PHD/ Rural Supplies Water supplies.
    Educational Institutes –
    Primary Schools, M.E. Schools, High Schools, Colleges.
    Live stock –
    Cows, Buffalos, Goats/Sheep, Poultry Farms.
    Vulnerable People –
    Handicapped, Old/Aged, Pregnant, Sick and ailing/diseased, Children below 5 years.
    Other vulnerable assets –
    Steep slopes, minor Canal embankments, Irrigation Projects, Small scale industries.
L Loss of crop, infrastructure, human and bovine life, livelihood system, houses, Pvt. Public property etc Communication network – Whole of the District
A   Road network of the effected block. Telephone connections.
D   Private Infrastructures –
S   Kutcha Houses, Semi Kutcha Houses.
I   Agriculture/Horticulture –
D   Crop (estimated Area), Others.
    Irrigation Sources –
    Private LI- Points, Govt. LI-Points.Electrical Installations.
    Drinking Water sources –
    Stream, pond, PHD/ Rural Supplies Water supplies
    Educational Institutes –
    Primary Schools, M.E. Schools, High Schools. Colleges.
    Live stock –
    Cows, Buffalos, Goats/Sheep, Poultry Farms.
    Vulnerable People –
    Handicapped, Old/Aged, Pregnant, Sick and ailing/diseased, Children below 5 years.
    Other vulnerable assets –
    Steep slopes, minor Canal embankments, Irrigation Projects, Small scale industries, PMRY units, Handloom Units, Cardamom plantations, paddy fields, Trees, orchards plantation.
F Loss of crop, infrastructure, human and bovine life, livelihood system ,houses, Pvt. Public property etc Communication network – All over the District.
L   Road network. Telephone connections.
S   Private Infrastructures –
H   Kutcha Houses, Semi Kutcha Houses.
L   Agriculture –
O   Crop & Others.
D   Irrigation Sources –
    Private LI- Points, Govt. LI-Points.
    Electrical Installations.
    Drinking Water sources –
    Streams and ponds, PHD/ Rural water supplies, Stand Posts
    Educational Institutes –
    Primary Schools,High Schools, Colleges.
    Live stock –
    Cows, Buffalos, Goats/Sheep, Poultry Farms,
    Vulnerable People –
    Handicapped, Old/Aged, Sick and ailing/diseased, Pregnant, Children aged below 5.
    Other vulnerable assets –
    Embankments, Handloom Units Minor Irrigation Channels, cardamom plantations, Hydro- project.
    Small scale industries, Textile Units, orchard plantation.
Thundering/Lightening   Loss of Human & bovine life. All over the District
Village Fire/ Forest fire Loss of property/Forest area/loss of animal and medicinal plants Loss of property & Life. Animal life and medicinal plants, lost of forest environment. Selected areas in the District.
DROUGHT Loss of crop, livelihood Crop Loss, Drinking water scarcity. Selected area in the District.
H Loss of property/Forest area/loss of animal and medicinal plants Communication network – All over the District.
I   Road network. Telephone connections.
H   Private Infrastructures –
W   Kutcha Houses, Semi Kutcha Houses.
N   Agriculture –
D   Crop & Others.
    Vulnerable People –
    Handicapped, Old/Aged Sick and ailing/diseased, Pregnant, Children aged below 5


In this Contingency Plan for Disaster Management in district, basing on past experiences, prevention and mitigation strategy has been developed in Pre, during and Post Disaster days. Flash Flood, Landslide, Fire Accident is some major Natural Calamities, which are experienced in the district very often.


Identification & Indent of essential commodities the inaccessible/scarcity pockets. – Stocking of food grains in Sub-Division/G.P.Head quarter. Sub-Collectors, Food grain stocking and monitoring.-CSO & FIs. Selection of shelters Connecting Road Maps, Served Villages with capacity, suitable management. GPDMC/VDMC, PRIs to manage the shelters through local management. Requirement of medicine and life saving drugs, earmarking mobile teams, identifying probable epidemic area Stocking of medicines C.D.M.O. and Panchayats. Checking operation of already installed VHF systems To operate effectively Technocrat of Police Signals Monitoring To take stock of overall situation Collector

Convening District level Committee on Natural Calamity – in the month of May – To suggest the list of Relief works to be undertaken, advice on the precautionary measures to be taken, stocking of food articles in strategic or key points. District Emergency Control Room.
Identification of vulnerable points – Repairing of breaches. Collector – Sub-Collectors [Reporting & Monitoring]
  – Restoration of damaged Roads and Bridges RO, Engineering cell & concerned deptt.
  – Alerting people near Highly vulnerable pocket.  
Identification & Indent of essential commodities the inaccessible/scarcity pockets. – Stocking of food grains in Sub-Division/G.P.Head quarter. Sub-Collectors, Food grain stocking and monitoring.-CSO & FIs.
Selection of shelters Connecting Road Maps, Served Villages with capacity, suitable management. GPDMC/VDMC, PRIs to manage the shelters through local management.
Requirement of medicine and life saving drugs, earmarking mobile teams, identifying probable epidemic area Stocking of medicines C.D.M.O. and Panchayats.
Checking operation of already installed VHF systems To operate effectively Technocrat of Police Signals
Monitoring To take stock of overall situation Collector



Receipt of Information

– From IMD/ SRC Control Room/Rev. Control Room by District Control Room.

-From Control Room of other District

– Also from News Bulletin of All India Radio & Local Cable

– From Internet Website

District Emergency Control Room.
Dissemination of Information – From DECR to All Sub-Collectors/RO /BOs/ All Line Departments/GPs DCR [Emergency] , SDMs, All GPUs.
Immediate setting of Control Room round the clock & making it functional. – All Line Departments, Sub Collectors, ROs, GPUs DCR [Emergency] (SOP of DCR in Page-), Head of Line Departments, Sub Collectors, ROs, GPUs.
Rescue and evacuation – To evacuate vulnerable people to identified shelters for the time being and logistic arrangements for the shelters Police personnel, Armed Forces, NGOs & CBOs, District Fire officer, Disaster management Volunteers [group formation to be done & area of operation be specified, kept in readiness with rescue kits which are to be made available to them. Coordination àAddl.Dist.Magistrate, SDMs, ROs & Line Deptt.
Arrangement of Free kitchen – To provide immediate fooding to the evacuees. SDMs/Disaster Management Committee/NGOs.
Sanitation and medicine   CDMO/Executive Engineers of PHED.
Requisition of sufficient numbers of vehicle, Light/Medium/Heavy. – To be kept in readiness with proper POL Transport RTO, CSO, & Sub-Collectors
Immediate freezing of 75% stock of POL Bunkers in the district, POL is to be used during the time of Disaster followed by scarcity CSO
Arrangement of Road Cleaners/Power saw etc To clean the road, Cut the fallen trees and remove the garbage RTO, R&B, Executive Officer-ULB, Power saw placed by Civil Defense to be arranged with mechanical division – R&B, to be arranged.



Alertness & Remain in ready ness to gear up in action immediately after the disaster is over Collecting information from all sources. All Actors in Disaster Management
Control Room to Functioning Day & Night Receive and give information on latest development. District Control Room, All Line Deptt. All Sub-Collectors, BOs, GPUs.
Monitoring To stake of overall situation

Collector at District level

Sub-Collectors at Sub-Division level & Line Deptt.



Distribution of Relief / Emergent Relief as per the provision of SRC. To provide immediate fooding to save affected people from starvation ADM, SDM, BOs, Disaster Management Committee & Teams, Other non-Govt. agencies.
Assessment & enumeration of damage To ascertain the exact loss for projection before Govt. All line Departments/Revenue Officers/BOs

Coordination – Superintending Engineers, SDMs, Panchayats.

Monitoring Relief Operation organized by outside agencies /UN Agencies/Red Cross/ NGOs / WHO/ other states etc through District Administration. To maintain uniformity of Relief administration. Collector, Additional Collector, Sub-Divisional magistrate at Sub Divisional level, Line Deptt. NGOs, CBOs & Panchayats.
Restoration of Communication – Roads & Bridges. For timely and prompt delivery/transportation of relief articles/deployment of rescue team Executive Engineers of R&B, Rural Works, Military &Para Military Forces, Police personnel.
Restoration of Electronic communication system. Ensure proper coordination linkage Divisional Engineer VSNL/ Technocrat of Police Signals.
Immediate arrangement of free kitchen in the cutoff/shelter camps and inaccessible areas. To avoid starvation and further deterioration both health and environment Sub Collectors, BOs, GPDMC, VDMC & teams.
Ensuring transportation of Relief Materials to affected pockets. To reach immediately after abatement of calamity with helping hands for development of confidence among affected people. C.S.O./Sub Collectors/BOs/RTO
Ensuring safeguarding of belongings of the evacuees & maintenance of Law and Order. To prevent anti-social activities Superintendent of Police, (South), Civil Defence Authority, NGOs, CBOs.
Ensuring safe availability of Drinking water.
Provision of Medical facilities and Minimum sanitation.
To check health hazards especially during calamity CDMO/Executive Engineers of PHED.
Removal of debris and disposal of carcasses. For environmental equilibrium Police personnel, Disaster Management Committee, NGOs.
Helping the evacuees to return to their homes. For settlement of the evacuees with their belongings after normalcy Sub Collectors, Panchayats, Disaster Management Committee.
Meeting Officers of both District level and Field level in every 24 hours to take stock of the situation. For better coordination and cordial carrying of every kind of relief operation and to ascertain the progress thereof. Collector, ADM, Line Deptt. Sub Collectors in Sub Divisional level
Collection of Information by a core group of DCR headed by District Collector and submission of daily situation report to Govt./SRC/ through District Collector Keeping liaison with field and state Govt. and interaction. Triangular linkage between Field, District and State Control Room and other State level Officials for taking further follow up actions on war footing. Addl. Dist. Magistrate(s), DDO, Sub Collectors, Revenue Officers, BOs, NGOs, CBOs.
Documentation of the entire event – Black & white/Audio & Video. To assess/apprise the situation to different Central/State level dignitaries of the event and official record. Sub-Collectors
Monitoring To take stock of the day to day activities, sort-out bottlenecks for proper implementation of relief/restoration/rehabilitation programme Collector, ADM, SDMs & Line Deptt.


Year wise  Ex-Gratia payment under South District