
Sub Divisional Offices


Sub Divisional Magistrate (Namchi)

Name: Shri Saran Kumar Kalikotey

Contact No:  9832080790

eMail: namchisdm[at]gmail[dot]com



    • Sub-Register for Registration of Land, Sale Deed, Lease Deed, Gift Deed, Power of Attorney and Deed of Agreement
    • Assistant Public Information Officer under the Right to Information
    • Land Bank Scheme
    • Installation of Petrol Pumps
    • Protocol
    • Election
    • Enforcement of All the Laws, Rules and Regulations empowered with
    • All other works delegated by the District Collector


Sub Divisional Magistrate (Jorethang)

Name: Smt Monika Rai

Contact No: 9647882807

eMail: sdmjorethang[at]gmail[dot]com


  • Overall In Charge and Administrative Head of Jorethang Sub-division
  • Acquisition of land
  • Disaster Management and Natural Calamities
  • Sub-Register for Registration of Land, Sale Deed, Lease Deed, Gift Deed, Power of Attorney, Deed of Agreement Firm and Mortgage Deed
  • Marriage Officer for Registration of Civil Marriages and Hindu Marriage under Hindu Marriage (Sikkim) rules
  • Issue of all Certificates and Permission other than the Certificates Of Identification
  • Protocol
  • Election
  • Enforcement of All the Laws, Rules and Regulations empowered with
  • All other works delegated by the District Collector


Sub Divisional Magistrate (Yangang)

Name: Shri Tshering Namgyal Theengh

Contact No : 9474428180

eMail: sdmyangang651[at]gmail[dot]com


  • Overall In Charge and Administrative Head of Jorethang Sub-division
  • Acquisition of land
  • Disaster Management and Natural Calamities
  • Sub-Register for Registration of Land, Sale Deed, Lease Deed, Gift Deed, Power of Attorney, Deed of Agreement Firm and Mortgage Deed
  • Marriage Officer for Registration of Civil Marriages and Hindu Marriage under Hindu Marriage (Sikkim) rules
  • Issue of all Certificates and Permission other than the Certificates Of Identification
  • Protocol
  • Election
  • Enforcement of All the Laws, Rules and Regulations empowered with
  • All other works delegated by the District Collector


Sub Divisional Magistrate (HQ)

Name: Shri Gopal Kumar Chettri

Contact No: 9733077164




  • Sub-Register for Registration of Land, Sale Deed, Lease Deed, Gift Deed, Power of Attorney and Deed of Agreement
  • Assistant Public Information Officer under the Right to Information
  • Land Bank Scheme
  • Installation of Petrol Pumps
  • Protocol
  • Election
  • Enforcement of All the Laws, Rules and Regulations empowered with
  • All other works delegated by the District Collector



Sub Divisional Magistrate (Ravangla)

Name: Shri Sisum Wangchuk Bhutia

Contact No: 7797889938

eMail: sdmravangla[at]gmail[dot]com


  • Overall In Charge and Administrative Head of Ravangla Sub-division
  • Acquisition of land
  • Disaster Management and Natural Calamities
  • Sub-Register for Registration of Land, Sale Deed, Lease Deed, Gift Deed, Power of Attorney, Deed of Agreement Firm and Mortgage Deed
  • Marriage Officer for Registration of Civil Marriages and Hindu Marriage under Hindu Marriage (Sikkim) rules
  • Issue of all Certificates and Permission other than the Certificates Of Identification
  • School Administration of Central School for Tibetans under Home Affairs, Government of India
  • Protocol
  • Election
  • Enforcement of All the Laws, Rules and Regulations empowered with
  • All other works delegated by the District Collector