Ex-Servicemen Rally- 2021 at Chemchey

Namchi, 1st December (IPR): Ex-Servicemen Rally- 2021 was held at Indian Himalayan Centre for Adventure and Eco-Tourism (IHCAE) at Chemchey, today. This rally has been organized under the aegis of Rajya Sainik Board, Sikkim and Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation Mr. B.S. Panth was the chief guest for the occasion. Present amongst others were Chairman UDD Mr. K. B. Rai, Chairman SISCO Bank Mr. Dup Pintso Kaleon, Advisor Commerce and Industries Department Mr. Kado Tshering Namka alongwith staff of Rajya Sainik Board, Ex-Servicemen and their family members.
Addressing, the gathering Chief Guest Mr. B. S Panth extended his congratulations
to Rajya Sainik Board for successfully organizing this program involving servicemen who has in their lifetime richly contributed to the nation and thanked them for their great service. He also read out the message from Chief Minister Mr. P. S. Tamang and informed that he will soon visit the ex-servicemen. He emphasized that the State Government allows 3% reservation for recruitment in the Government service for Ex-Servicemen and said that this reservation is meant for the Ex-servicemen’s and their children’s benefit. He added that Ex-Servicemen needs to be aware for the implementation of this job reservation policy.
The Minister further proposed that in order to preserve the rich legacy provided by the Ex-servicemen of the state a book to be read by school students can be introduced in commemorating the sacrifices made by veterans of the state so that a sense of patriotism can be inculcated from an early age. This book can also include a chapter of Article 371F which the school pupils can read and further understand the nuances of this Article.
Speaking, during the programme Secretary Rajya Sainik Board (Retd) Col D. N. Bhutia spoke about the objectives of this rally which is being celebrated as a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The aim of this rally is to encourage interaction with Ex-servicemen fraternities and to generate awareness regarding the various policies of this board and other agendas. He added that Ex-servicemen continue with their facility even after their retirement and expand their values, discipline that they have learned in their years of service. He also gave a brief on the various development that Rajya Sainik Board is conducting for the benefit of the servicemen like constructing a guest house at Gangtok, allocations of budget provided by the State Government for the board and many other important subjects concerning the servicemen.
The dignitaries also released the third edition of the newsletter titled “Samman”. They also presented Chief Minister’s Rolling Trophy for the best Administrated Zilla Sainik Board for the year 2019-20 to Zilla Sainik Board Geyzing West District. The trophy was handed over to Zilla Sainik Welfare Office, Tikzug Geyzing.
During the course of the programme various felicitation were given to namely:
Felicitation of 1971 Indo-Pak War Veterans and Young Achievers:
1)Havildar Krishna Bahadur Rai
2)Naik Karna Bahadur Chettri
3)Naik Karna Singh Limboo
4)Havildar Bala Ram Tamang
5)Dr. Ranjita Rai, D/O Subedar Major Pahal Man Rai
6)Dr. Sabina Gurung D/O Late, Havildar Nar Bahadur Gurung
7)Dr. Meera Ongmu, D/O Late Nk Tenzing Bhutia
Felicitation of Veterans who fought in World War II, Veer Naris and Widows of Veterans are as follows:
1)Rifleman Sidhiman Gurung of 5 Gurkha Rifles from Nizraming Busty, Bermoik
2)Naik Dhan Bahadur Chetter, Shaurya Chakra recipient of 3/9 Gurkha Rifles from Sang Nazitam
3)Subedar Honorary Captain Kishor Rai, Shaurya Chakra recipient of 6/11 Gurkha Rifles from Jorong
4)Veer Nari Shrimati Geeta Gurung widow of Late Havaldar Nar Bahadur Gurung of 1/5 Gurkha Rifles from Ranipool
5)Veer Nari Shrimati Mon Maya Gurung, widow of Late Rifleman Bishal Gurung of 3/1 Gurkha Rifles from Namthang
6)Veer Nari Shrimati Choti Sherpa elder sister of Late Rifleman Karma Tenzing of 2/5 Gurkha Rifles from Ben Peku
7)Smt Mangali Rai, widow of Late Riflkeman Padme Rai of 1/5 Gurkha Rifles from Karek Busty
8)Smt Bishnu Maya Bhujel widow of Late Rifleman Krishna Bahadur Bhujel of 10 Gurkha Rifles from Turuk Busty
9)Smt Man Maya Subba widow of Late Havaldar Sukman Subba of 6/11 Gurkha Rifles from Singtam
10)Smt Deo Maya Sunwar widow of Late Rifleman Pahal Man Sunwar of 10 Gurkha Rifles from Singtam
11)Smt Chechum Bhutia widow of Late Rifleman Chewong Dukpa Bhutia of 11 Gurkha Rifles from Lingdok Busty