
Gram Sabha Under the GPUs of 11-Namchi Singithang Constituency commences at Mickhola Singithang GPU

Publish Date : 09/01/2025

Namchi, 7 January (IPR) : The Gram Sabha under the Gram Panchayat Units (GPUs) of the 11-Namchi Singithang Constituency commenced today at Mickhola Singithang GPU. The event, which was held at Mickhola Secondary School Ground, was graced by the esteemed presence of Mr Satish Chandra Rai Area MLA Namchi-Singhithang Constituency. The meeting was chaired by Mr Suren Rai Panchayat President and attended by distinguished guests, including Mr Ganesh Rai Chairman NMC, Zilla Panchayat members, Ward Panchayats, BDO Namchi, Officers from various line departments, the Assistant Director, and Panchayat Functionaries.
Mr Suren Rai delivered the welcome speech, setting the tone for the day’s proceedings. This was followed by the Panchayat Sachiva, who presented a comprehensive report on the previous year’s plan and resource envelope.
Following the review of the past year’s work, He presented the proposed Annual Plan for the financial year 2025-26. This presentation outlined the vision and objectives for the upcoming year, with a focus on sustainable development and community-driven initiatives.
He took the opportunity to share updates on the progress of various projects funded under the Zilla Panchayat fund. This included a detailed breakdown of the projects’ current status, challenges faced, and the anticipated outcomes for the community.
A vital part of the Gram Sabha was the open discussion session, which encouraged active participation from the community. Members of the public engaged with Panchayat officials, raising concerns, offering suggestions, and discussing the way forward for local development.
Mr Upendra Rai BDO Namchi emphasised the importance of collaboration between the local government, Panchayat members, and the public for effective and inclusive development. His insights underscored the need for collective efforts to achieve sustainable growth.
Mr Satish Chandra Rai Area MLA Namchi-Singhithang Constituency delivered his feedback on the progress of the Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) for 2025-26. He commended the dedicated efforts of the Panchayat and the enthusiastic involvement of the community in shaping the future of the region. His words of encouragement reinforced the spirit of unity and collaboration that underpins the success of these initiatives.
The meeting concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks from Mr Suren Rai. He expressed his gratitude to all the attendees, acknowledging their valuable contributions towards making the Gram Sabha a productive and collaborative platform for community development.
The successful commencement of the Gram Sabha sets a positive precedent for the ongoing engagement between the public and Panchayat members, paving the way for continued progress in the 11-Namchi Singithang Constituency.