
Press Release from Agriculture Department Namchi District

Publish Date : 07/03/2025

Namchi, 6 March : A Coordination meeting of ATMA Governing Board (GB) and ATMA Management Committee was organized today by Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Agriculture Department at DC Chamber under the chairmanship of Ms. Anupa Tamling, District Magistrate cum Chairman ATMA Governing Board, Namchi District .
Also present in the meeting were Smt. Nirmala Moktan, Additional Director Agriculture Department cum Project Director ATMA, Dr. Nivedita Pradhan, Joint Director AH&VS, Mr. N.K Chettri, Deputy Director Horticulture, Ms. Soroja Tamang, Deputy Director Horticulture, Dr. Srijana Pradhan, Deputy Director Floriculture, Ms. Vaishnu Rai, Deputy Director Agriculture Dept., Dr. Nation Chamling, Deputy Director Agriculture Department/ATMA, Mr. Basant Tamang, SMS, KVK Namthang, Ms. Nirmala Thapa, BO, Directorate of Fisheries, ATMA and Agriculture department officials (BTMs/ATMs)and farmers.
Key points discussed during the meeting were:
1. Review of previous years ATMA activities and fund utilization.
Detailed power point presentation was delivered on ATMA activities (1st installment) by Dy PD ATMA.
2. Blockwise review on the progress from the allocated trainings, demonstrations and farm schools.
3. Preparation on success stories focusing on impact, employment generation and horizontal spread.
4. Discussions, suggestions and feedback on farmer Oriented Activities (FOA)
5. Selection of Farmer, SHG and BTM for Award/ Appreciation letter on State Krishi Mela to be held on MArch 2025.
After deliberated discussion and review of each and every farmer nominated from all blocks of Namchi district, Finger millet cluster of Lingmoo Paiyong GPU was nominated for the award. Nomination of Namuna SHG of Temi Block was chosen unanimously after deliberate discussion in the house