The two-day long State Level Summit for adventure tourism stakeholders under Sikkim INSPIRES concludes at IHCAE Chemchey

Namchi, January 29(IPR): ‘Adventure Connects’, the two-day long State Level Summit for adventure tourism stakeholders under the Sikkim Integrated Service Provision and Innovation For Reviving Economies Programme(INSPIRES) was successfully concluded at the Indian Himalayan Centre for Adventure and Eco-Tourism, (IHCAE) Chemchey, today.
The two-day long summit commenced from 28th January and culminated today, was organised by the Tourism and Civil Aviation Department, Government of Sikkim in collaboration with IHCAE, Chemchey.
This workshop was aimed to familiarize participants with IHCAE’s activities and infrastructure, brainstorm outreach programmes for adventure and ecotourism and foster stakeholder partnerships. It also provided a platform for sharing information, best practices, and addressing industry challenges to unlock Sikkim’s growth potential in adventure and eco-tourism.
On the last day, the programme had the presence of Dr Prerna Chamling Additional Secretary (Tourism) as the chief guest. Present amongst others were Mr Kazi Sherpa Joint Director/ Principal IHCAE, Mr Vikash Rai Sr CHA Hospitality, Mr Manoj Kumar Chettri Deputy Director(Adventure), Ms Lamin Theengh Deputy Director (TIC, Namchi), alongwith other officials from the Tourism and Civil Aviation Department, IHCAE and other departments, representatives from Tourism stakeholders Associations, SRM University and Medhavi Skills University.
Addressing the gathering, the chief guest Dr Prerna Chamling emphasized the importance of holding stakeholder meeting to foster the robust development and sustainability of the sector. She said that the positive feedbacks from the participating organistions shall help to develop action work plan for the year 2025-26, helping the department to put forth various stategies for the growth of adventure tourism. She also requested collaborative efforts to broaden recommendations for planning in future assessment reports. Moreover, she also requested the stakeholders to aware the unemployed youths about the array of opportunities in adventure tourism, and the trainings that are offered by the IHCAE, Chemchey.
Similarly, Mr Kazi Sherpa Principal IHCAE reflected on the scope of adventure tourism in the state, highlighting various training courses encompassing in all most thirty different guide training which are extended by the premier institute till date. He further briefed about the new courses being developed for interested individuals namely Bunjee training, Rafting, Skiing, and other specialised course like Rescue Volunteer Course, Basic Mountenering Course and many more. These course will be provided with expertise from the institute and around the world, at par with other leading adventure institutes.
Mr. Vikash Rai Sr. CHA spoke about the importance of training in hospitality, adventure tourism, and travel operations to develop skilled professionals dedicated to sustainable tourism. He also emphasized the need to enhance skills in marketing, promoting and elevating the value of local arts, culture, and cuisine, inorder to secure a prominent spot on the global map. Inaddition, he also encouraged towards rural tourism activities and briefed about plannings under the Sikkim INSPIRES to uplift rural tourism.
Mr Manoj Kumar Chettri, Deputy Director, enlightened about the objective of this programme under the Sikkim INSPIRES project is to benefit tourism stakeholders broadly. He urged them to act as brand ambassadors in promoting the initiative’s goals.
During, the workshop was held for the participants in focus group discussion for Training Need Assessment Analysis for Sikkim, Startegy and Action Plan for Adventure and Eco-Tourism for IHCAE, Sikkim, steered by the Technical Support Agency team (Sikkim INSPIRES). This workshop was emphasized on the collaboration among stakeholders and input-sharing for effective and impactful project execution.
At the outset, the stakeholders also toured the IHCAE premises, where the department officials briefed them on its establishment, functioning and operations.
During the programme, the welcome address was given by Mrs Pempa Doma Bhutia Assistant Director and the vote of thanks delivered by Ms Lamin Theengh Deputy Director.